It shows next and the first 10 records but will not bring up the next 10 when next is pressed.

require ('');
if(!$start) $start = 0;
$query2 = 'SELECT count(*) as count '
           . ' FROM `Wellington` '
           . ' WHERE`location`="Hills"';

$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
$row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);
$numrows = $row2['count'];
if($start > 1){
  echo "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. "?start=" . ($start- 10) .
if($numrows > ($start + 10)){
  echo "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. "?start=" . ($start + 10) .

$query='SELECT * '
. ' FROM `Wellington` '
. ' WHERE`location`="Hills" ORDER BY `LotNo` ASC LIMIT ' . $start. ',10';

           while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {

            <table align='center'>

              <td> $location</td>
      echo $listing;

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 6:50 AM
Subject: php-db Digest 5 Dec 2004 11:50:43 -0000 Issue 2714

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