Maybe he is writing a book "Leading to Creativity: the road of PHP and
its father"
just joking

my pleasure to read the post from Mr.Lerdorf 
and best wishes from all Chinese PHP programer.

On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 07:41:55 -0800, Rasmus Lerdorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The actual code for the first MySQL extension was just a search and
> replace of "msql"->"mysql" in the original msql extension I wrote before
> that.  I found 1995'ish documentation for that the other day:
> And that extension was based on the original msql support in PHP version
> 1 dating back to around March or April of 1995.  You can see that code
> in the PHP 1.0.8 tarball located at
> Unfortunately I didn't use CVS in the early days so we don't have
> revision history going back that far.
> But I am curious, why do you want to know?
> -Rasmus
> --
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                    Forest Liu(åäè)

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