Zbigniew Szalbot wrote:

I am using PHP 5.1.6 (cli) and MySQL 5.1.11-beta on a FreeBSD 6.1 stable release. I am trying to make a custom database program work in this environment. I have it working under MS Windows XP Pro with MySQL 5.0.19-nt and php 4.3.10.

It seems everything is in order. A logging window pops up for me to enter username and password. I do it but I am never able to log in. I made sure the username and passwords are OK so this is not the problem.

In the error log I can see this: Use of undefined constant is_admin - assumed 'is_admin' in /path_to_file.

I bet you have something like:


You need quotes around that, or else (as you've seen) php thinks it's a constant:


A really quick and dodgy fix would be to turn error reporting down - but you should fix it properly.

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