Hello, I have a problem connecting to an Oracle XE database. Here is my code 
and the output.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/www/test cat testoci.php
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/www/test
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/www/test  php testoci.php

Logon OK

When I navigate to http://localhost/test/testoci.php however I see "DB Error: 
connect failed"

My /etc/php5/cli/php.ini and my /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini have the 
extension=oci8.so line in them.

When I view the information from phpinfo() for the cli and apache2 execution, 
it says (this one printed from the cli version)


OCI8 Support => enabled
Version => 1.2.3
Revision => $Revision: $
Active Persistent Connections => 0
Active Connections => 1
Oracle Version =>
Compile-time ORACLE_HOME =>
Libraries Used =>
Temporary Lob support => enabled
Collections support => enabled

Directive => Local Value => Master Value
oci8.default_prefetch => 10 => 10
oci8.max_persistent => -1 => -1
oci8.old_oci_close_semantics => 0 => 0
oci8.persistent_timeout => -1 => -1
oci8.ping_interval => 60 => 60
oci8.privileged_connect => Off => Off
oci8.statement_cache_size => 20 => 20

Does anyone have any ideas about how to resolve this problem?

Thank you

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