On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 10:49 AM, Lasitha Alawatta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Everybody,
> We have 6 multi-master MySql instances within a LAN , that are replicating
> is a sequential manner.
> Server Environment :  Six identical Linux Enterprise version 4 running,
> servers with having MySQL version 6.
> we are using "MySQL multi-master replication" method for database
> replication.
> There is a delay (5-7 minutes) of that data replication process. We notice 
> that it's because of MySQL table locking.
> Your comments are highly appreciated.

    Ask on a MySQL list.  It has nothing to do with PHP.


    Specifically: Replication - http://lists.mysql.com/replication


Daniel P. Brown
Senior Unix Geek
<? while(1) { $me = $mind--; sleep(86400); } ?>

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