I did a little testing, and this should work better:

group by taggings.id
HAVING GROUP_CONCAT('name') like 'soup'
AND GROUP_CONCAT('name') like 'vegetarian'

Simcha Younger

-----Original Message-----
From: Catharsis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 6:44 PM
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Delicious style Tags table

Simcha Younger-2 wrote:
> If there is only one search term - "soup" your where statement would be:
>       Where `name` like 'soup'
> But you need two matches, and the terms are "soup", "vegetarian". Try:
>               Where GROUP_CONCAT('name') like 'soup'
>               AND GROUP_CONCAT('name') like 'vegetarian'
>               group by taggings.id

You might be onto something, couldn't get your suggestion to work out the
box but after looking at the docs


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