  Thanks for the replies, guys. I could finally come up with the actual code to 
do multiple updates. Just like some of you said, I had to name my index 
variables for it to distinguish between different elements. 
  for($i = 1;$i <= $total; $i++){
      $a = $_POST['a'.$i]; $b = $_POST['b'.$i]; $c = $_POST['c'.$i];
      $d = $_POST['d'.$i]; $e = $_POST['e'.$i];
      $sql = "UPDATE table SET market='$a',IM_accept='$b', IM_defer='$c', 
CR_accept='$d', FC_accept='$e' 
              WHERE scenario_id='$scenario_id'";
      echo "<update_$i>$sql</update_$i>";
      $result2=mssql_query($sql) or die ("Can't execute $sql");

However, this might be out of the question I have been asking here. Has anyone 
tried to do this type of stuff using Flex and PHP? 


> Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 12:23:33 -0800
> To: php-db@lists.php.net
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Multiple Update SQL Statements Execution
> On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 5:55 AM, Alice Wei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I am inquiring on this list to see if it is possible to create a script 
> > that takes multiple update statements without my having to write one "SQL" 
> > statement for each of the updates.
> I'm not sure I understand your question.  It is certainly possible to
> write one query that updates multiple rows at once.  In other cases,
> you can use prepared statements and bound variables.  If all you need
> to do is repeat a query of the same structure with different values, a
> prepared statement would be faster and mean cleaner code than sending
> repeated queries.
> Without more specific info from you, I don't think I can give a better
> answer than this.  I've never worked with Microsoft SQL Server, so I
> doubt there's anything I can tell you about that in particular.
> >  I have a scenario of which I create a table of some sort with some 
> > existing information using Flex, and what I am told by my client is that no 
> > matter how many records there are on the screen, the users should be able 
> > to update any up to all the entries by simply pushing a button. I use 
> > Microsoft SQL, which I think that it does allow multiple update query 
> > execution. The problem is that I might have to come up with some method to 
> > accept all the "POST" variables the user provides into the script.
> Let's see.  If your POST includes the IDs of the rows you want to
> change and the value you want to update, it could go something like
> this.  Note that I haven't tested it, so it might contain an error.
> I'm just trying to provide an illustration of the approach.
> <?php
> /*
> SKIPPED: connect to your database as appropriate.  Below I show using
> the PDO extension to escape the incoming data using the quote()
> method.  If you are using the mssql extension instead, there is no
> escape function (!) so you'll have to decide how best to escape the
> data.  That's reason enough for me to prefer PDO.
> If you don't know what I'm talking about here, you should study SQL
> injection until you're sure you fully understand.  Otherwise you will
> produce very vulnerable code.
> */
> $sql = "UPDATE sometable SET somecolumn = '" .
> $pdo->quote($_POST['field']) . "' WHERE id IN ("
>   .  implode(',' $_POST['id']) . ")";
> /*
> Send this query to your database as appropriate.  It will set
> 'somecolumn' to the value of $_POST['field'] where the ID is in the
> list.  In this case the form should submit the $_POST['id'] value as
> an array, which can be done by using setting the HTML name attribute
> to id[] (e.g. name="id[]").
> */
> ?>
> Does this help?
> -- 
> PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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