Adam, thanks for the answer.  It got me where I needed to be, and I now 
understand how this stuff works a little better.

Here's the solution for future reference:

The new server has a separate directory (/etc/php.d) that was referenced in the php.ini. (This server is running Fedora 9, btw.) In /etc/php.d was a file called mysql.ini, which had the line:

I searched for "extension" in my php.ini file on the cobalt server, found, 
among other things:

extension_dir = /usr/lib/apache/php     ; directory in which the loadable 
extensions (modules) reside


;UNIX Extensions

So, I added

to the list.

Then, I did a search for the file, which turned out to be in the build/modules directory all by itself just waiting to be used, copied it to /usr/lib/apache/php/, restarted httpd, and voila, I now have a working implementation of php pulling data from a remote server.

Thanks for the help!!! It is greatly appreciated!


Alex Moen wrote:
OK, sounds good, what am I looking for? I don't see the module being declared in my php.ini file on either of my servers.


Fortuno, Adam wrote:

It sounds like the MySQL extension module isn't loading. Here are some
things to confirm:

 - Ensure the module is declared in your php.ini file
 - If it exists in the php.ini, confirm the module is located and named
as stated in the php.ini file.
 - If the module is named and located in the proper place, check your
permissions on that extension. You want to make sure whatever is running
your sight can access the module.

I hope this helps!


-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Moen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 9:54 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Yet another Call to Undefined Function help request

Hi all,

PLEASE, don't just toss the e-mail... I think I have a unique enough
situation to warrant this e-mail.

First, I have searched the mailing lists for the answer to my problem.
I have also tried to find the answer through the documentation, but have
been unsuccessful.  Mailing lists are always my last resort.

Here's the situation.  I have an *old* Cobalt Raq appliance with Apache
1.3.20 and an older version of mysql on it.  I have a customer that
wants to use a database on his website, and rather than update this old,
unsupported appliance and possibly break something, or go through the
hassle of moving this customer with 100+ e-mail addresses to a different server, we have
installed a new, dedicated mysql server to use system-wide for any of
our customers, and ourselves, to use as a db server.  This seemed like a
good idea at the time, and I think it will work well once we figure out
the bugs here.

Now, everything was going swimmingly, until we tried to access the db
with php on a web page (which is where we got the call to undefined
function). It was an old version of php, so I thought I'd upgrade, not as scary as
upgrading all three pieces of software.  No resolution there.  I
compiled it with mysql support, but still get the undefined function error. Now, on
the new db server, phpinfo reports a whole section on mysql.  On this
older server, there is no mysql section in phpinfo. I can log in and access
the databases remotly from the Cobalt server using command line mysql; I
would like to try this at cli using php but don't know how.

I am obviously missing something and I can't find the answer anywhere,
other than "reinstall apache, mysql, and php", which is kind of scary on
a server this old that is running as well as it is. Not only that, but my
ego is kicking in here and I would really like to understand what the
problem is rather than just reinstalling everything... That just seems too M$ to

Any suggestions?



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