yes, it was a structure like that i was looking for. so a class is a group
of functions?
i have heard about 'wrappers' to and from what i've heard it is the same

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:36 PM, Karl DeSaulniers <>wrote:

> On Jul 12, 2011, at 7:28 AM, Taco Mathijs Hillenaar-Meerveld wrote:
>  It might be a simple question for the local die-hards among here, but i'm
>> really wondering about how
>> developers arrange their scripts and keep their map structures.
>> today i was looking for the best way to keep my scripts clear and to put
>> them into maps so i have a clear overview.
>> the same thing i would do for the scripts, using the functions i have and
>> throwing them in 1 or more php documents.
>> i can not find it how it should be done. is it a good idea to put a couple
>> of functions in just 1 document?
>> like sessions and login/logout functions?
>> in my idea i would only need to include a document in the header of my
>> website and then i'm done, right?
>> some thoughts, ideas and tips would be appreciated.
>> kind regards
>> taco
> Hi T,
> One way I've found is to set up separate pages.
> session.php
> database.php
> forms.php
> etc..
> Then in each you create a class named the same
> EG for session.php
> <?php
> class Session
> {
>        /session vars
>        var $username = "";
>        function Session(){
>              //constructor
>        }
>        //call your different session functions
>        //set username for eg.
> }
> $session = new Session;
> ?>
> Then call on, say, the username var from a page.
> Eg: view_acct.php
> <?php include("scripts/session.php")**;
> <html>
> ...
> <input name="username" value="<?php echo($session->username); ?>" />
> ...
> </html>
> A very loose example, but hope it puts you on a good path..
> Best,
> Karl DeSaulniers
> Design Drumm
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