using function is good.. I like to use it in my script.. but I do think
about you should use Class because Class make your script more structure..
and you can hide your setting to make everyone unable to see or hack you

example.. I always like to use <h1>bla</h1> then i built function h1($s)

actualy use function for simple task.. for moderate or complex.. use class

dev arrange the script because they know the flow and that can be have if
they experience 1-3 project or more. not something easy actualy

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 7:28 PM, Taco Mathijs Hillenaar-Meerveld <> wrote:

> It might be a simple question for the local die-hards among here, but i'm
> really wondering about how
> developers arrange their scripts and keep their map structures.
> today i was looking for the best way to keep my scripts clear and to put
> them into maps so i have a clear overview.
> the same thing i would do for the scripts, using the functions i have and
> throwing them in 1 or more php documents.
> i can not find it how it should be done. is it a good idea to put a couple
> of functions in just 1 document?
> like sessions and login/logout functions?
> in my idea i would only need to include a document in the header of my
> website and then i'm done, right?
> some thoughts, ideas and tips would be appreciated.
> kind regards
> taco

akan ada dimana mulut terkunci dan suara tak ada lagi..
saat itu gunakanlah HP untuk melakukan SMS!!
-> ini aliran bedul.. bukan aliran aneh.
tertawa sebelum tertawa didepan RSJ..

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