Anyone? Please.

2012/9/18 Bruno Sandivilli <>

> Hi, i strugling to decide what is the best choice:
> I have a 15 row x 3 columns Flash DataGrid, it means, for each row i have
> 3 values.
> To represent this in my Database, I could:
>    1. Create 2 Tables : A Values table - with 3 columns ; and a Bill
>    table (with 15 foreign keys, each one pointing to one row in the Values
>    table).
>    2. Create one Table with 45 columns (15 fields * 3 values for each
>    field).
> I want to know, wich is the best choice?
> To manage my query, now i have a SELECT with a thousand of leftJoins.
> This is the best choice?
> How could I run a query wich will give all results linked, like:
> ( column_1_val_1, column_1_val_2, column_1_val_2,
>   column_2_val_1, column_1_val_2, column_1_val_3,
>  etc...) ?
> Thanks!

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