Is the failing one a .php file?


On Jan 3, 2013, at 11:54 PM, "Ethan Rosenberg, PhD" 
<> wrote:

> On 01/03/2013 10:14 PM, Matt Pelmear wrote:
>> In addition to Jim's comments, 
>> Have you checked to see whether the permissions on all files are appropriate 
>> on the environment where this doesn't work? 
>> Are you running this in a web environment or CLI? If web, are you 100% sure 
>> the web server configuration is correct? 
>> -Matt 
>> On 01/03/2013 04:35 PM, Ethan Rosenberg, PhD wrote: 
>>> Dear List - 
>>> I am running sid on my Lenovo desktop and squeeze on my Dell laptop.  The 
>>> php.ini files are the same.  The programs are the same except foro the 
>>> locatioln of the password file and of a file to be read for parameters. The 
>>> programs run beautifully on the desktop, but refuse to run on the laptop.  
>>> Error_reporting is set to -1. I receive no errors. 
>>> Advice and help, please. 
>>> Ethan 
> =================
> Jim and Matt -
> Did all the suggested debugging prior to sending the eml.  Note - 
> error_reporting(-1).  I hope that should catch anything.  If it helps, the 
> programs with just HTML code run OK.  the ones with  HTML/PHP do not.  In 
> fact, one of the HTML/PHP programs does not give any output at all, even w/ a 
> character string; eg, dtgfsvc, at the beginning f the code.
> Are you running this in a web environment or CLI? If web, are you 100% sure 
> the web server configuration is correct? 
> I can't answer because I do not understand. <?php phpinfo(); ?> gives the 
> correct output.
> Hopefully, all the above should give us some hints at how to proceed.
> Ethan

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