ID: 8661
User Update by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Open
Bug Type: Class/Object related
Description: a copy of the internal array elements is sometimes not made

This might be the same as 8130, but I'm not sure.

Previous Comments:

[2001-01-11 16:27:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
// buggy.php

// If I leave both A1 and A2 commented out, the code works fine.
// If I uncomment A1 only, the code works as expected
// If I uncomment A2 only, the code does not work as expected

class Element
    var $val;
    function set_value($newval)
        $this->val = $newval;

class Owner
    var $elementArray;
    function dump()
        foreach ($this->elementArray as $index => $value)
            print("index [$index] value [$value->val]<BR>");

$myOwner = new Owner();
$myOwner->elementArray[0] = new Element;

// -- A1 --
// this works as expected
$myOwner->elementArray[0]->val = 10;

// -- A2 --
// if this line is uncommented the code does not work as expected

print("dump myOwner<BR>");

print("make a copy of myOwner<BR>");
$copyOwner = $myOwner;

print("dump copyOwner<BR>");

print("change copyOwner index 0 to 999999<BR>");

$copyOwner->elementArray[0]->val = 999999;

print("dump copyOwner<BR>");

print("dump myOwner<BR>");



Full Bug description available at:

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