On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 09:11:56AM -0000, Sam Liddicott wrote:
> If I were to write a proxy library which could integrate with various
> read-line style libraries - lets say just the GNU one for now to save time,
> and er... released this proxy under LGPL, surely PHP could use my proxy and
> thus make use of GNU's GPL'd readline.

No, not if the proxy is linked into both php and gettext.

GPL can only be linked to other GPL code, or code that is licensed under
a GPL compatible license.

The only reason GPL code can be linked to LGPL code is because the LGPL
license has a clause about the code can be used under GPL license too.
This means once you link an LGPL library to GLP code, the LGPL code
turns into GPL code.

Ragnar Kjørstad

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