ID: 8791
Updated by: sniper
Old-Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Reproduceable crash
Assigned To: 

Fixed -> closed.


Previous Comments:

[2001-01-23 11:11:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nope.  Must've been fixed between 4.0.3pl1 and 4.0.4pl1 because it doesn't core dump 
after upgrading.  I'm still not sure it does what I'd expect, though, since in my 
example, I'd expect printing $val to output "Array" but it doesn't output anything.  
If I print_r($val) it does show the contents of the array though.  That's definitely 
good enough for what I'm trying to do, but it seems like it's not 100%.  Thanks a lot 
for the help!


[2001-01-19 21:35:53] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Does this happen with PHP 4.0.4pl1 ? I tried with latest CVS and it didn't crash.



[2001-01-18 13:37:28] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
class xyz {
        var $x = array('a' => 'df', 'b' => 'dd', 'c' => 'fd');
$arr = get_class_vars('xyz');
while(list($key,$val) = each($arr)) print "Properties $key has value : $valn";

 './configure' '--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' '--enable-track-vars' '--without-gd' 
'--with-xml' '--without-ldap' '--without-imap'

Sorry, I couldn't get a gdb backtrace because my php wasn't compiled with the debug 
stuff turned on.  I suspect that you'd be able to reproduce this easily though.  Let 
me know if you need any more information from me.


Full Bug description available at:

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