On Mon, Feb 19, 2001 at 04:35:50PM +0100, Thies C. Arntzen wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 19, 2001 at 02:35:13PM +0100, Emiliano wrote:
> > "Thies C. Arntzen" wrote:
> > 
> > > > We use it a lot. Works well, supports multiple charsets, and is now in
> > > > as sane library format so internalizatin isn't strictly necesary
> > > > anymore (although there can be reasons to do so all the same, of
> > > > course).
> > > >
> > > > Is there anything specific you want to know about it?
> > > 
> > >     -was the upgrade from the original jclark-dist painfull at
> > >      all?
> > 
> > We haven't seen any API changes ourselves, and I think we use a fairly
> > sizeable part of the API. We had our own version of expat-lib, built
> > from jclark-dist, and include file name changes aside, it was painless.
> > 
> > >     -are there any known incompatiblities?
> > 
> > Not that I know of, altough ISTR that apache had renamed some function
> > names for their internalized version. Our resident expat 'expert' will
> > be online in a few hours and I'm sure he can give you more details.
>     maybe they could enlighten me what advantages we'll see if we
>     upgrade?
Well, first advantage is that Clark Cooper's team now is official Expat team,
JC has delegated expat development to them, so this Expat 1.95.1 is latest
official stable version.

Second, several bugs were fixed, look their project site for details.

Third, autoconf/automake now used to configure it which is much more painless.

Fourth, name space support was extended, support for own memory management was added,
set of functionality from Cooper's perl-expat was integrated.

Sincerely yours, Alexander Bokovoy 
  The Midgard Project   | www.midgard-project.org |    Aurora R&D team 
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