On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, Emiliano wrote:

>Zeev Suraski wrote:
>> At 02:04 20/3/2001, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
>> >No, we need tighter integration.  We want to be able to do something along
>> >the lines of "pear pear.php.net/midgard" and it would go and fetch
>> >the the component, build it and install it.
>> I completely agree with Andi about this.  If it won't be simple, it will
>> simply not be.  We can start simple, and work our way up.
>For unixoids, this could probably be a glue script that uses CVS.
>probably need to be checkin-time phpize setup or somesuch to make it
>distribution-ready, or people would need autoconf et al on their systems
>I don't know how this would work for windows system, though.

CVS is not needed here..
I'd like to see something like the RPMs or debian .deps work:

# pear --install cms:midgard
# pear --install payment:verisign
# pear --update cms:midgard

# pear --update all
# pear --remove

Of course there should be some package info file for each extension,
be it C or PHP one, ie. dependancy info, what the extension provides, etc.
So that the packages depending on some other extension could be
identified and produce some warning if the already installed packages
don't provide what the to be installed one needs..

Maybe there already is something like this in the works? I'm not on any
of the pear mailing lists so I don't know. :(

(Cc: to the pear-dev list)


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