From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: NT 5
PHP version:      4.0 Latest CVS (23/03/2001)
PHP Bug Type:     Compile Failure
Bug description:  compile failure - errors in ext/standard/basic_functions.c


D:\compile\php\php4-200103230745\ext\standard\basic_functions.c(2494) : error C2065: 
'core_globals' : undeclared identifier
D:\compile\php\php4-200103230745\ext\standard\basic_functions.c(2494) : error C2223: 
left of '->safe_mode' must point to struct/union

the offending line:
if (PG(safe_mode) &&(!php_checkuid(Z_STRVAL_PP(new_path), NULL, 

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