my situation:

        $return_string = basename($PHP_SELF);
        return $return_string;

un ir 


        <? echo function_abc(); ?>

and there function () returns empty string ...

Only under Netscape Communicator 4.76
and NT4 un Win2k
IE55 or NC601 works fine

server - RH62, Apache+PHP4+MySQL

Bug Database wrote:
> ID: 9931
> Updated by: sniper
> Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Old-Status: Open
> Status: Feedback
> Bug Type: *Function Specific
> Assigned To:
> Comments:
> Your example code doesn't work.
> This works for me just fine:
> (of course the undefined vars don't work..)
> <?php
> $retStr= '<a href="' . basename($PHP_SELF) . "?lo="
>             . ($lo - $recordsPerPage )
>             . "&"
>             . $xtraQuery
>             . '">&lt;&lt;Previous</a>&nbsp;" : "' ;
> echo $retStr;
> ?>
> And I don't know how used browser would matter on this.
> --Jani
> Previous Comments:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [2001-03-22 11:35:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> from phorSale//common/common.functions.php
>     {
>         $retStr .= "<a href=" . basename($PHP_SELF) . "?lo=" . ( $lo - 
>$recordsPerPage ) . "&" . $xtraQuery . ">&lt;&lt; Previous</a>&nbsp;" : "" ;
>     }
> It's happens only under Netscape 4.76
> Under IE 5.5, 6.01 all works fine
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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