On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, Andi Gutmans wrote:

> Does this work for you on 4.0.4pl1?
> Any idea when this broke?
> Andi

    The following commit broke this functionality:

    date: 2001/03/11 10:08:27;  author: sasha;  state: Exp; lines: +17 -1
    branches:  1.148.2;
    Fixed a compatibility problem is some file functions (fgets, fputs, fread,
    fwrite). The ANSI standard says that if a file is opened in read/write
    mode, fseek() should be called before switching from reading to writing
    and vice versa.

    Pipes are uni-directional and hence the above description
    does not apply to them.  A more differentiated approach is
    needed to solve that issue on AIX etc.

    - Sascha                                     Experience IRCG
      http://schumann.cx/                http://schumann.cx/ircg

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