
I have looked at the URL you supplied below, and yes there are some
similarities - I presume because the routine used is a replica of the
other "." special case.  I take great offense at being accused of copying
your code.  Further, you will note that your patch also contains the bug
in referencing PG(open_basedir) instead of simply basedir - the argument
supplied to the function. 4.0.4pl1 references PG(open_basedir) like yours, so
your claim below is false.

There are two issues here - The logical error in the routine and the
additional support for another special case.  Your solution attempts to
provide a patch to enable php to access any other file in a virtual
document root.  Further, I can see that your patch will *only* work
of in php.ini you use VIRTUAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT as the first entry in open_basedir.

So, in conclusion, don't you think it concievable that perhaps someone else
wanted to do the same as you, and simply copied the already supplied code
special case for "."?

I've been a net-contributer to the net for many years, which you can see from
my site www.pgregg.com - many people have released software or documents
similar to my own - but I've never accused anyone of plagarism and never
been accused of it before.

Paul Gregg

in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Bug Database <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| ID: 10322
| Updated by: jason
| Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Old-Status: Open
| Status: Bogus
| Bug Type: PHP options/info functions
| PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1
| Assigned To: 
| Comments:
| This is almost an exact copy of a patch I had submitted in October of 2000.(b
|+efore I became a contributor).
| http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=php-dev&m=97145490702792&w=2
| This idea (and many others) was on hold to a cleaner redesign of safe_mode.
| There is NO logical error, basedir is used, check the patch that YOU *suppose
|+dly* submited, it uses basedir. 
| Please don't try and claim other peoples code as your own.
| Marked as Bogus
| -Jason
| Previous Comments:
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| [2001-04-14 08:20:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Thanks for the response, however, can you confirm that there is a logical cod
|+ing error here?
| The DOCUMENT_ROOT patch is secondary and would be nice - but is the bug going
|+ to be fixed in 4.0.5 ?
| Regards,
| Paul.
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| [2001-04-14 05:34:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| This will not make it into 4.0.5 as this was branched a while back but it mig
|+ht well make it into 4.0.6. Ill get a developer to look at this patch.
| - James
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| [2001-04-13 20:57:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| I thought, while I'm here, I'd submit a patch to fix this.
| The patch also includes support for an additional special case in php.ini's o
| The current "." allows scripts to access files in the same directory as the s
| "DOCUMENT_ROOT" allows a script to access any other file in the virtualhost's
|+ directory tree.  DOCUMENT_ROOT is calculated by PATH_TRANSLATED and removing
|+ SCRIPT_URI from the end - This conveniently works for both full Apache Virta
|+lhosts and mod_aliased Mass virtual hosting (I don't know if this is true for
|+ the newer mod_vhost - just check what PATH_TRANSLATED and SCRIPT_URI is set 
|+to in phpinfo() - if removing the latter from the former is the sites docroot
|+ then you are away).
| Anyway, the patch: code shamelessly copied from the "." segment :)
| *** main/fopen-wrappers.c.orig  Fri Apr 13 17:50:02 2001
| --- main/fopen-wrappers.c       Sat Apr 14 01:46:28 2001
| ***************
| *** 141,151 ****
|         char resolved_name[MAXPATHLEN];
|         char resolved_basedir[MAXPATHLEN];
|         char local_open_basedir[MAXPATHLEN];
|         int local_open_basedir_pos;
|         SLS_FETCH();
|         /* Special case basedir==".": Use script-directory */
| !       if ((strcmp(PG(open_basedir), ".") == 0) &&
|                 SG(request_info).path_translated &&
|                 *SG(request_info).path_translated
|                 ) {
| --- 141,167 ----
|         char resolved_name[MAXPATHLEN];
|         char resolved_basedir[MAXPATHLEN];
|         char local_open_basedir[MAXPATHLEN];
| +       char *local_open_request_uri;
|         int local_open_basedir_pos;
|         SLS_FETCH();
| +       /* Special case basedir="DOCUMENT_ROOT": Restrict to directory of the
| +        * virtualhost itself as calculated by PATH_TRANSLATED - SCRIPT_URI
| +        * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| +        */
| +       if ((strcmp(basedir, "DOCUMENT_ROOT") == 0) &&
| +               SG(request_info).path_translated &&
| +               *SG(request_info).path_translated ) {
| +               /* Copy path_translated to local_open_basedir, the look in
| +                  this string for where request_uri starts and zero that byt
| +                  thus leaving local_open_basedir set to the virtualhost's
| +                  DOCUMENT_ROOT */
| +               strlcpy(local_open_basedir, SG(request_info).path_translated,
|+ si
| zeof(local_open_basedir));
| +               local_open_request_uri=strstr(local_open_basedir,SG(request_i
| ).request_uri);
| +               if (local_open_request_uri) *local_open_request_uri = '

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