ID: 9948
Updated by: hholzgra
Old-Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Date/time related
PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1
Assigned To: 

the unix date parsing code is not that clever

how should it treat 03/04/05, for example?

it will never be able to parse any possible
date format in the world or even be locale
aware for any possible date format in a 
single country ...

Previous Comments:

[2001-03-23 01:17:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
when providing the string "3/23/01 1:01:29 PM"
to strtotime it produces in-correct output 

Im assuming you wish to make this function (as with all functions) as good as 
possible, so I guess that being able to convert from this format would be on the cards 
some times.

in Australia we generaly do dates the opposite to in the US. IE Month/Day/Year so 
support would be good .



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