> That's not true.  If you use register_shutdown_function() then this
> function you register will be run once the timeout hits.  See the chapter
> in the manual on connection handling.

But this still doesn't let you apply a timeout to a specific block of code.
I am doing ad calls to a remote server with PHP, and I want to be able to
timeout just the readfile() function I'm using to do the call, and to
execute an alternate block of code when it times out. I don't want to abort
execution of the entire script; just that portion thereof.

I am including a small file with some PHP code in a larger script; can I
have a separate timeout for the included script, or does it apply to the
main script? If I could have separate timeouts for included scripts, it
could serve as a workaround for using timeouts on specific blocks of code.

Jason Sims
Senior Editor & System Administrator
Inside Mac Games

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