ID: 10668
User Update by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Analyzed
Bug Type: PCRE related
Description: preg_replace backquote failure

H'm...  I'm confused. :-)  To complicate things further, the e-mails display half as 
many backslashes as the web page. :-)  Since I'm not sure what you mean, I'll 
exhaustively list the behaviors:

The following:

  $str = "abc'\\\\''def";
  function f($s) { var_dump($s); return "x"; }
  print preg_replace("/c(.*)d/e", "f('\\1')", $str);

gives the error messages I posted earlier.  (That's two backslashes before the 1.)

The following:

  $str = "abc'\\\\''def";
  function f($s) { var_dump($s); return "x"; }
  print preg_replace("/c(.*)d/e", "f('\\\\1')", $str);

gives the result:

  string(2) "\1" abxef

which isn't what I want.  (That's four backslashes before the 1.)

Prefixing the "1" with one or three backslashes in each case emits an ASCII x'01'.

None of which are what I want to occur...

Previous Comments:

[2001-05-04 15:17:51] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oops, \1 instead of 1.


[2001-05-04 15:17:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ok, I made a little mistake, use "f('\\1')" rather than "f('1')".


[2001-05-04 13:59:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oddly, I get the following error:

  Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=92) state=1 in 
/home/groups/t/ta/tavi/htdocs/playground/test.php(4) : regexp code on line 1

  Parse error: parse error in /home/groups/t/ta/tavi/htdocs/playground/test.php(4) : 
regexp code on line 1

  Fatal error: Failed evaluating code: f(''\\''') in 
/home/groups/t/ta/tavi/htdocs/playground/test.php on line 4

PHP compile options may be seen at:


[2001-05-04 12:58:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can you explain why you think it fails? The following sample (slightly modified from 
yours to dump the $s parameter to function):

$str = "abc'\\''def";
function f($s) { var_dump($s); return "x"; }
print preg_replace("/c(.*)d/e", "f('\1')", $str);


string(5) "'\''"

As it should.


[2001-05-04 11:44:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The following code succeeds on PHP 4.03 and PHP 4.04pl1, but fails on PHP 4.05:

  $str = "abc'\\''def";
  function f($s) { return "x"; }
  print preg_replace("/c(.*)d/e", "f('\1')", $str, -1);

This seems to expose *two* underlying bugs:

  1) There appears to be some problem in the regex state
  2) There is a definite problem with the replacement of
     the backreference with its corresponding string.


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long.  To view the rest of the 
comments, please view the bug report online.

Full Bug description available at:

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