On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 01:47:45PM -0000 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Operating system: Linux Debian
> PHP version:      3.0.17

so it is 3.0.17 or 3.0.18?

> PHP Bug Type:     Scripting Engine problem
> Bug description:  eregi DO NOT FIND expression if string too complicated and from 
> In some cases, eregi_replace doesn't work. I found it didn't worked
> when reading the a long/complicated line from a file :
> 1. I read $line from a file and $line becomes :
> href=\"PHP_url_me?req_modmain=showprod&req_modsub=view&req_id=1\">[view]</a> <a 
> 2. $url_myself = "";;
>    and $line = eregi_replace ("PHP_url_me", $url_myself, $line);
>    doesn't work !
> 3. For the other lines from the same file (shorter and with less
>    special characters) it WORKS !
>    AND that line is not tested the same as if I do
>    $line2 = ...
>    ($line <> $line2) ?!
> 4. in eregi_replace ($pattern, $replace, $string), are there special characters into 
>$string ???? and even, why the same $line is not the same when read from a file
> I suppose the bug is more in $fcontents than ereg, BUT WHY ereg
> doesn't find a pattern which IS INTO the string ($line) ?
> Whatever the line can be, the pattern is there, so why doesn't
> it find it ?
> I suppose you don't need any other information, but just in case :
>  - Debian Linux potato
>  - PHP 3.0.18

selfcompiled or from a deb? if selfcompiled look at unstable php3. there is
a bug in php3's regex.h, which causes problems with large file support
(LFS). Also apache has this bug, which is fixed in the package (and maybe in
1.3.20 upstream).
                                Petr Cech
Debian GNU/Linux maintainer - www.debian.{org,cz}
           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Obviously the only rational solution to your problem is suicide.

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