J Smith wrote:
> I have a few PHP extensions that I'd be willing to share but I've never
> done this sort of thing before. I wrote a few extensions for work, and my
> company sees no problem in donating them to the open source world and to
> the PHP project, but I'm curious about something:
> Are extensions for PHP required to be coded in C, or will C++ do? I'm a C++
> guy myself, and since PHP is largely written in C, does this cause a huge
> problem? If there's enough interest in any of my extensions, I'd consider a
> re-write from C++ to C, but I don't want to do that if I don't have to.
> The only extension really ready for prime-time right now is a rather simple
> Porter stemmer, written in ANSI/ISO C++ using things like the standard C++
> string library and such. It's a simple extension that we're using to make
> the search engine we're building a bit easier to manage. Any future
> extensions are going to be focused on making search engines easier to
> implement in PHP. (We're building a search engine that uses PHP.)

Which search engine is this?

> Any interest in that sort of thing? And if so, C or C++?

Your interface to PHP is C.  This won't change in a while, so if you
want to write an extension in C++, it will end up as a mix of C and
C++.  If you can make it work, great.  But I think you're going to run
into a lot of hassle.  For example, when you want to return a string
from a PHP function that you've built with the standard C++ string
library, you have to do additional conversions for every single string
value.  Unless you save a lot of time from using C++ components you've
already written and such, there is great potential for wasting both a
lot of time and cpu this way. :-)

 - Stig

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