On Mon, 06 Aug 2001, Thies C. Arntzen wrote:
>     i don't think this is crucial for the gtk stuff as this
>     problem only arises once the request ends _and_ a new request
>     starts. the shutdown in the engine has been changed to only
>     destruct classes (from the end of the list) until the 1st
>     internal class is found. so:
>     <?
>     class tubu {
>     }
>     dl("php-gtk");
>     class hallo {
>     }
>     ?>
>     would (now) destruct class hallo but not tubu. zeev assured me that
>     dl()'ing modules that created classes never "really" worked
>     (it would always have request shutdown-trouble as the
>     c-module would get unloaded but the class table would still
>     point into the unloiaded module). i kinda don't like it, but
>     i take zeevs word that it never worked properly. 

I haven't run into problems with it yet, but I'll keep this in mind, I

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