Stig Sæther Bakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Huh?  Does strnatcmp() know the that 2.0RC4 is newer than 2.0b2? :-)

probably not. i've always thought that the change needed to make php's
version numbers make more sense is relatively small -- stop ignoring
the middle digit, and use it to signify releases. so instead of
4.0.7RC1, you'd get 4.1.0 (on BRANCH_4_1 or whatever). if bugs were
found, 4.1.1 would get released. when one of those releases is deemed
stable (what would be just 4.0.7 in our current scheme), make it
available for download on the download page. (meanwhile, head
development is on 4.2.0-dev.)

this also avoids the '4.0.6pl1' nonsense we've had to do before, too.
just release a new version in that 4.x branch.

(and the number of cases where people should need to check version
numbers for functionality should be vanishingly small. that's why we
have things like function_exists().)

i think tying the numbers to some definition of feature additions and
bug fixes only provides fodder for rules lawyers. i believe the
versioning scheme should be firmly rooted in the development process
that actually exists, not some ideal of what it should be.


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