Probably the best thing to do is visit and review 
the guidelines for submitting a bug.  If you get through the process 
and feel that you have found a bug, please submit a bug report.


On December 10, 2001 02:51 pm, Frank wrote:
> I am new to online PHP communities so if there is a better place to
> post this please let me know.
> I may have encountered a bug in PHP 4.0.6, but I don't know where to
> look to see if it is a known problem, and I have not been able to
> reproduce the problem in trivial code.
> I have been programming for a couple decades now, but just started
> with PHP a few months ago.  I've spent a couple months developing a
> fairly typical catalog / shopping cart / order system for a small web
> site.  My code works flawlessly on 4.0.8 under Windows XP (my
> development environment), but when I uploaded it to our host (4.0.6
> under FreeBSD) it failed in the following way:
> The Shopping cart (we call it a basket) object includes a two
> dimensional array of "item" objects indexed by catalog number and
> package size, and a second array of references to the same item
> objects.  Simplified a little, items are added like this:
> $this->items[$catalognum][$size] = new BasketItem($catalognum, $size,
> $quantity);
> $this->ref[] = &$this->items[$catalognum][$size];
> Somewhere in the serialize/store/load/unserialize process handled by
> the built in session support, $basket->ref[] comes to contain
> references to arrays rather than references to objects.  If I add an
> "echo $basket->ref[0]" line to a particular page it will print
> "Object" on the hit that creates the basket, and "Array" when I
> refresh the page.  Under 4.0.8/Windows it will print "Object" each
> time.
> This problem causes my code to fail with a "Call to a member function
> on a non-object" error.
> Where can I best look to see if this is a known problem?

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