ID: 13173
Updated by: yohgaki
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: Session related
Operating System: FreeBSD 4.X
PHP Version: 4.0.6 and 4.10
New Comment:

You are using PostgreSQL, try my session handlers can be found at If session 
works as expected, it's your session handler's bug.

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-13 05:26:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My customed sess_write stores stuff to PostgreSQL 7.1.x  I simply ported one I found 
on the Net some which saved stuff my MySQL.  

Anyhow, with the garbage collection problem (bug#13173) the problem is NOT with my 
customed script because everything works fine with my handlers.  (OK, I had to set 
"register_globals = on" as per my report in bug #13078, but at least it worked!) 

The problem is with 

   session.save_handler   = files

(as with the original problem description.)

As for error logs, yes, I have checked my httpd_error_log file and found nothing:(  In 
fact, I have also set:

   error_log = syslog

too and nothing there either:(

TIA, for your patience and help.


[2001-12-13 05:08:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Looks like I don't know what I'm thinking.

Also have to check your httpd and php error log?
Is there anything interesting?

should be

Also have *you* check your httpd and php error logs?
Is there anything interesting?


[2001-12-13 04:58:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What kind of user session handler you have?
You have reported Bug ID: 13078 also.
Don't paste script, but please explain a bit.

Also have to check your httpd and php error log?
Is there anything interesting?


[2001-12-13 02:52:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just tried this with 4.1.0 and found that the problem has not been resolved.


[2001-09-06 07:09:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

settings in php.ini:

   session.save_handler   = files
   session.gc_probability = 100
   session.gc_maxlifetime = 120


User1 was assigned session_id()=somesessionid01.
Session variables are saved properly.  User1 bookmarked the page.

If NO ONE else has visited the site and started another session, then User1 can return 
and revive the session no matter how much time is passed (over the gc_maxlifetime 
value,) when he/she visits the pages again with an URL like:

However, if another user visits the site, gets another session id, e.g. 
somesessionid02 BEFORE User1 returns with the said URL, then, garbage collection 
occurs and data are deleted properly.


   Garbage collection is *not* done when the same session_id    returns BEFORE another 
session_id is generated.  This       happens when the session.save_handler = files

   However if:

      session.save_handler   = user

   where 'user' is a customized handler, the relevant          sess_gc routine is 
called properly and gc is taken care    of.


Edit this bug report at

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