On Sat, Dec 15, 2001 at 11:43:07PM -0200, Manuel Lemos wrote : 
> Sure but they way it seems to me is that reporting the problem did not
> make any difference. So why bother reporting?

    Just because yours was rejected doesn't mean all were or will
    be rejected. Globalising something from a subjective
    expirience isn't a very good idea ;)

> I am afraid that a lot of people simply do not bother to report
> problems, even when it affects their businesses, because they just get
> this kind of response and they certainly can use the time they spend
> making a useful report in things that can really result in something
> that the need.

    .. and many people are actually reporting bugs (as we
    obviously can see :). You'll just have to realize that the
    dev team can't please everybody.

    That the particular problem missbehaved in the past for so
    long is a pitty. That it's not documented is a pitty.
    Changing this behaviour BACK AGAIN is IMHO the worst thing
    one can think of.

    IMHO the best thing we can and should do at the moment is to
    proper document this change down and from that point of view
    your report was very valueable.

    - Markus

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