Vlad Krupin writes:
> Uh?
> You probably do not want to see the returned code printed anyway (unless 
> you are debugging and are lazy to get it in any other way). Chances are 
> that the codes returned by exit() won't make much sense to anyone but 
> the one who develops the code, and it's not too difficult to do:
> echo 1;
> exit(1);
> There are ways to print out a message right before we exit. There aren't 
> too many ways to return an error code. I can think of a very good reason 
> why we might want the error code returned, but not prnted (in fact, a 
> lot of reasons), and we don't have this functionality. Hence, at least 
> if parameter to exit() is an int, we should just return the error code, 
> *not* print it.
> I know, nobody has called a vote, but I thought I'd express my opinion 
> in the form of a vote anyway, since somebody asked:)
> Vlad


> Jani Taskinen wrote:
> >background information:
> >
> >http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?edit=1&id=11008
> >http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?edit=1&id=14574
> >
> >exit() function is broken. Fixing the broken behaviour is the
> >only real solution, IMO.
> >
> >One solution:
> >
> >- When passed argument is string: print out this string
> >- When passed argument is integer: Don't print it, use it as exit-status
> >
> >This is what is the expected behaviour is and I really can't think
> >of any good examples where this would fail. Nobody ever gave any.
> >And to get the REAL users (not only Zeev's opinion) I'm sending
> >this also to php-general.
> >
> >>From manual:
> >
> >"The exit() function terminates execution of the script. It prints
> >status just before exiting. If status is an integer, that value will be
> >used as exit-status."
> >
> >This can be understood in many ways. If the status is integer,
> >it is used as exit-status..but it's not clear that it's ALSO printed out
> >which is simply buggy behaviour.
> >
> >Now, if general concencus amongs the users of PHP is that it should
> >also print out the exit-status when it's an integer then 'shell_exit()'
> >function should be added.
> >
> >--Jani
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
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