>     This is not really surprising, and the test is not really fair, the
>     PHP code is not written by an experienced php programmer, and thus,
>     would naturally be slower, on person benchmarks like this are simply
>     too dependent on the person writing the code.
>     -Sterling

Give me a break.

Did you even check a SINGLE one of the routines? Since you ARE an
experienced php programmer I'm attaching the nested loop test where PHP
scored at the BOTTOM of all 30 languages for you to optimize. I mean, I
looked over a number of the snippets and they are very straightforward,
especially the "same way" tests.

This type of knee-jerk (and spectacularly uninformed) discounting of results
gets us nowhere and as you can probably tell irritates me no end :). There
are too many folks too quick to sound authoratative on an issue. Read
through the site, Doug is aware of the problems in benchmarking (everyone
who has ever tried doing them is probably aware) and worked hard to overcome
many of them.

Anyways, the challenge is down, here's the code, optimize away. Then we can
talk about the real causes for PHP slow performance :) They still may be as
trivial as bad compile time or config settings but I think this bad php
programmer thing is a red herring.

- August

 $Id: nestedloop.php,v 1.1 2001/05/06 06:13:21 doug Exp $
$n = ($argc == 2) ? $argv[1] : 1;
$x = 0;
for ($a=0; $a<$n; $a++)
    for ($b=0; $b<$n; $b++)
 for ($c=0; $c<$n; $c++)
     for ($d=0; $d<$n; $d++)
  for ($e=0; $e<$n; $e++)
      for ($f=0; $f<$n; $f++)
print "$x\n";
Perl took 18 CPU secs, PHP 85.

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