ID: 15230
User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Open
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: Linux / Windows
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

You know, I did think to try phpinfo(), as I remember my Linux version
used to show the compile settings.

But Windows php.exe doesn't show the compile-time options in phpinfo().
   It used to be at the top of phpinfo()... where is it now?

By the way, I'm running IIS / CGI mode.

A side issue - why is memory_limit disabled for Windows?


Previous Comments:

[2002-01-26 00:11:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Very odd...galeon seems to have gotten the form fields 
confused and changed the summary and poster. 

Just replacing them now...



[2002-01-26 00:07:56] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dunno whether it was, or if so, why, but even better than
us including the compile options would be if you just checked
the output of phpinfo(). That'll will tell you the same 
thing, and you can be sure it's accurate for what you have 
running when you try it. :)



[2002-01-25 23:59:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Windows binary for 4.1.1 appears to have --enable-memory-limit
disabled, but I can't find it mentioned anywhere in the docs.

The only documentation that comes packaged with PHP is the readme.txt,
and it isn't in there.   It isn't in the online manual, either.

It would be good to add the compile options for PHP into the readme.txt
file for later releases under windows.

One bug report for an earlier PHP version suggested to run ./configure
to find out what compile options were set.  This obviously doesn't work
for the distributed binary...

While we are on the subject, I don't suppose you can shed light on why
it isn't enabled?



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