--- Kristian Köhntopp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> brad lafountain wrote:
> > Unless someone could give me a real reason that 
> > aggerate is better than MI.
> Aggregation does at runtime what MI does at compile time.
> Delaying the decision to "do" something is usually an enable for
> specific applications. 
> Examples are the signal/slot  mechanism based call-models  in
> Gnome and Qt vs. virtual function tables in C++. The decision
> which implementation for a method is being called is delayed to
> the actual point in time when a call is being made, enabling a
> much more flexible component model and much better reuse.

 Im not familure with this can you please explain.

> The cost for doing things late is worse typechecking, errors are
> potentially caught only at call-time, not at compile-time (with
> Qt, it probably is link-time, due to the way it is implemented).
> The same goes with aggregation. Aggregation allows me to write a
> class "Soaping", which implements a SOAP RPC Client and a
> SOAPFactory class, which manufactures objects of any class and
> aggregates Soaping into them:
> I could include_once() any unknown class, create an instance
> and use PHPs introspective functions to create a list of 
> functions and instance variables in this class. By adding 
> Soaping functionality to the class, and with the help of 
> getters, setters and wrappers provided by overload(), I 
> can intercept all accesses to this instance, turn them into
> SOAP calls to some remote instance of that object, and
> marshall the results back into my application.
> The beauty of this is, that I can do this at run-time, and that I
> can do this generically with any old class, using two miniscule
> additions to the system, aggregate() and overload(). Yet for the
> user this is probably transparent.

 I have made this exact soap client and server as a php extension. It works
fine without aggregation.

> > Class definition is defined at design time not run time!
> No, it isn't. Unless you are stuck with C++.
> PHP is for rapid prototyping. That may turn into rabid
> prototyping (SCNR the pun) if you do not know how to use it, but
> it may also be an extremely powerful tool as I have shown. 
> Generally speaking, it allows you to design metaclasses and
> metasystems, which add some general function to the language
> itself.

 I guess my biggest argument is that aggergration will cause some problems like
serizliation and Im still not convinced that aggergration does any good when
you are designing a class libary.

 Basically I don't want aggergation to be the only way that a user can have MI
just because MI isn't implemented. I can see users doing this.

class A;
class B;
class C;

$c = new C;
aggergate($c, "A");
aggergate($c, "B");

Just because they "can". Not be cause it makes sence or its readable. I guess
it would aleviate my conserns if MI was included as well as aggergation.

- Brad

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