I'm making the following Apple Developer Connection resources available
to the members of the PHP development community:

  4x ADC Software Seed Key

     A software seed key gives you access, for 12 months, to pre-release
     software seeds made available by Apple.
  6x ADC Premier Hardware Discount

     An ADC hardware discount entitles you to a 10-20% discount on an
     Apple system (a laptop, an Xserve or a cpu + display set). The
     hardware is for development purposes only.

  8x Apple Developer Technical Support Incident

     Official developer support from Apple for any Mac OS -related
     development problem.

The protocol for claiming these resources is simple: email me which
resources you need, and why. I will most likely support projects that are:

 - 100% PHP-specific
 - 100% Mac OS X -specific
 - Open Source
 - Made by individuals rather than companies

An additional rule concerns the hardware discounts: I will require proof
of purchase from everyone who participates. The discounts are a scarce
resource, and I don't want to see them wasted.

Please also note that use of these resources is subject to the Apple
Developer Connection Program Terms and Conditions, which, in essence,
consitute an NDA between Apple and you.

And lastly, porting UNIX applications to Mac OS X doesn't, as a rule,
require any of these resources. If you need shell access to an OS X
box for development purposes, email me and I'll set one up.


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