On Thu, 1 Aug 2002, Daniel Lorch wrote:

> hi,
> > Congratulations Derick.
> > Most deserving recognition for a terrific job.
> > I will add to that my humble thanks.
> No offense, but I think other developers should be mentioned as well. I
> very much like wez' work on innovative ideas - even though his results
> might not be suitable for the masses (such as having PHP client-sided
> embedded into redmond's browser etc.).
> But generally, I think honoring hard working developers is a good idea,
> as they only seldomly get positive feedback on their work (what they
> certainly deserve).

Come on, it's an award, they pick individuals.  I think Derick and Jani
deserved that award with good margin, because the type of work they do
often has limited reward compared to the amount of energy they put into

There'll be a chance for everyone ;-)

 - Stig

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