> Come on, it's an award, they pick individuals.  I think Derick and Jani
> deserved that award with good margin, because the type of work they do
> often has limited reward compared to the amount of energy they put into
> it.

If any of us did the work we do for the money (in commerical), the
recognition, or the "fame" (as such) then PHP, Open Source and the whole
bleeding edge programming community wouldnt be where it is now. Every
developer who has taken up the text editor and coded for the sheere hell
of expanding the current realm of known computing (eg: expanding PHP's
functionality, contributing to projects such as FreeBSD etc) deserves
recognition like this.

The prize comes from self gratification more than anything - and although
decoration may be nice this IS an award for everyone who has worked on the
PHP project. Although its Derick and Jani's names on the trophy, we all
know that its a group effort - hence the name PHP _Group_.

If anything we should all be proud of what we all have accomplished.

> There'll be a chance for everyone ;-)

Just my 2c if that makes any sense :P

Dan Hardiker [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
ADAM Software & Systems Engineer
First Creative Ltd

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