Dan Hardiker wrote:
> Hi all [specifically those monitoring the patches thread],
> Ive noticed that alot of you seem to be asking questions which were
> actually answered in the original post of the thread. Can I request that
> anyone who has an opinion on this matter both read the thread, and (where
> possible) try out the patch for themselves to see what impact it really
> has.
> The underlying effect is minimal, no noticable change. The effect of
> having the option there is mind blowing for IRC based support staff who
> are dealing with (for want of a better word), idiots.
> For those of you who dont have time, or the capability to test it out for
> yourself, please take the following exampes:
>   http://www.dapond.net/code/backtrace.php
>   http://www.dapond.net/code/backtrace.phps
>   http://www.dapond.net/code/backtrace.phps?HIGHLIGHT_FORMAT=default
>   http://www.dapond.net/code/backtrace.phps?HIGHLIGHT_FORMAT=lineno

Sorry guys. I still don't understand why we need to extend phps
capability ;)

With script level, we can contol output/access as needed.
In addtion, it's much easier to maintain compare to phps once
you write appropriate script. Most importantly, it always works
at script level.

Although I forgot details, I suppose we'll breake modulality
between Zend and PHP if we try to fix problem of phps. IMHO,
it does _not_ worth it. We shouldn't add new features that will
not working well. Therefore, phps should be left as it is now.
(If someone has feasible solution, I don't against that. of course)

Why not just add new parameter to show_source/hilight_file?
We don't need to add new feature to phps, but should provide only
for functions. It should be good enough.

Yasuo Ohgaki

> (note the default setting for a .phps without arguments)
> This doesnt demonstrate the use of the show_source (or other aliased)
> function, but I assure you - it works similarly with an optional
> parameter, defaulting to current behaviour.
> I still await a good reason for this not to become part of the standard
> distribution, and any list of adverse side affects this poses.

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