  I've been working with Brian France on a patch that will allow users to
include other ini files from the php.ini (see
http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=103179766700001&r=1&w=2 for earlier
discussions).  This patch allows the following functionality from the
php.ini file:

    include = file
    include = directory
    include = /full/path/to/file
    include = /full/path/to/directory

When a full path is not specified, it will look in the same directory which
were examined to find the php.ini file itself.  When a directory is
specified, it will process each file in the directory.  The files included
are process exactly as the php.ini file is. (The included ini files are
handled as ini files, not .php files.)

This is nearly identical to the Include capability of Apache's configuration
files.  For those interested in using an Include feature from within the
php.ini, please let me know if this is sufficient.

Dave Viner

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