At 05:36 02/10/2002 -0300, you wrote:
>Hi Gareth,
>I do not know about performance impacts....

well, if you're talking about talking a script, "reading it-> editing it -> 
parsing -> executing", it stands to reason that this'll have more overhead 
than just "parse -> execute" and so performance will suffer.
Like I say, this is why there is the option to turn on something like what 
you're proposing in the php.ini file, but it's not enabled by default as it 
does have a performance hit.

>Lke I've said, that is just an idea for ASP guys to see the PHP Power.
>If it impacts on performance, let them know....
>But this will be problem of them, just let them know that if send this
>session when it is already sent, the performance will get lower.

but this is why there is the output buffering option in the php.ini does exactly what you're asking - it just doesn't assume that 
the programmer is an ASP guy, as most php programmers arn't.
In all seriousness, check out the output buffering option. It's there for a 

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