Hello Dan,

DH> Your missing the point of my suggestion. Im not suggesting we switch it
DH> off by default, Im suggesting we *remove* the feature.
Very good.
Why not to change to "<script language="php">...</script>" then?

DH> As the XML community expands and more and more scripting languages (server
DH> and client side) are being designed to interoperate, cross-language
DH> compatability (or at least handling) is required.
XML|PHP community imho much less than PHP-community, that uses <? ?> syntax.
As I already said, there is hundreds to thank you and thousands to hate you
for this *harmful* modification.

DH> The short tag <? is bad form, and shows lazyness. <?php fits the standard,
DH> and its my recommendation that (in version 5 of the product) the sort tag
DH> option is removed.
No, you just missing something important.
When you want to remove or change something by default - this shows:
a. you're lazy to change it locally OR
b. you're lazy to find good hosting where you can change php.ini.
(nothing personal)

DH> Yes - this will break *alot* of sloppy scripts (including scripts taking
DH> the short cut <?= instead of <?php echo). However, a very simple
DH> sh/sed/awk script could be written that scans a directory tree and
DH> converts all .php files to .php5 files.
Yep, it's rather easy to write such script.
But it's not easy to change millions of already working php-scripts.

DH> Note: this script could also check for other cross version problems that
DH> may arrise.
We can *aviod* such kind of problems by leaving this option in present

DH> My *key* point is that come the upgrade jump from v4 to v5 people will
DH> *expect* major differences - otherwise it would just be another step in
DH> the v4 tree.
Yes, I agree, v5 gives *possibility* to provide major differences.
1. Removing (and even disabling by default) short tags is not
necessary for all PHP-community.
2. Possibilty to provide chages is not necessity to provide them.
There are a lot of more important things.

Thank you for your attention =)

Antony Dovgal aka tony2001                   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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