On Sun, 2002-10-20 at 09:34, Wez Furlong wrote:

Thanks for the fast reply Wez,

> There's not much we can tell you about this unless you post the
> rest of the lines of that function.

See below for the code

> Perhaps you did not include <php.h> ?

Yep thats there, I used exec_skel to create the basic module.
> Note:  always prefer this:
>   read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
> to this:
>   read(fd, buf, 1024);

Thanks, done that.

OK, what I'm trying to achieve is basically wrapping pipe, read and
write so in a php script I can create 2 pipes, fork the process using 
pcntl_fork() and have 2 way non blocking communication with more control
than proc_open()

I have so far written this function that creates the pipe and returns an
array of the pipes descriptors:


    pipe_r_le_struct *st_pipe_r;
    pipe_w_le_struct *st_pipe_w;
    zval *read;
    zval *write;
    int pipe_fd[2];

    if(pipe(pipe_fd) <0){
        php_error(E_ERROR, "Could not create pipe");




    ZEND_REGISTER_RESOURCE(read, st_pipe_r, le_pipe_r)
    ZEND_REGISTER_RESOURCE(write, st_pipe_w, le_pipe_w)

    add_assoc_resource(return_value, "read", Z_RESVAL_P(read));
    add_assoc_resource(return_value, "write", Z_RESVAL_P(write));

This function appears to work as expected

and now I'm trying to write functions that will read and write from the
pipe. So far I have this, it isn't finished as you will see.

    pipe_r_le_struct *st_pipe_r;
    zval *read;
    zval * res;
    char buf[1024];

    if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "r", &res) ==

    ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(st_pipe_r, pipe_r_le_struct *, &res, -1,
"pipe_r", le_pipe_r);

    if(!st_pipe_r) RETURN_FALSE;

    read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));

I was just testing that it still compiles and it fails on the 
read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); line. with the error  
called object is not a function

As I mentioned if I move that line into a c function it compiles fine.


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