>Both? I'm not totally sure what you mean with "when the custom error 
>handler also has errors". Can you elaborate?




        function myerrorhandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {

                echo "There was an error.";

                $int = 10 / 0 ; // Divide by zero error


        echo "This will break

Which would output something like this:

Error: There was an parse error on line X of file.php.
Additional Error: Custom error handler myerrorhandler() also errored in
line X of file.php

What I mean here is that, allow PHP to have custom error handlers for
core errors instead of just the user-defined errors.

Am I being clear?


>(and can you please use "> " for quoting mail?)
> Derick Rethans                                   
> JDI Media Solutions
>if you hold a unix shell to your ear, do you hear the c? ]-

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