At 12:46 26.11.2002, Maxim Maletsky wrote:

Zeev Suraski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote... :

> At 13:11 26/11/2002, Maxim Maletsky wrote:
> >That sounds selfish of us, Derick.
> No, it doesn't. If we're going to attempt at doing something that has a
> high risk of screwing up PHP and slow down its QA and support, we should be
> mature enough to know our limits. If we don't, the ones that would suffer
> eventually would actually be the users.
> Knowing your limits is a virtue, and taking unnecessary risks, while may
> seem noble, will often lead to much worse results.

Let's say, as a user, I get this error for not defining a variable:

Notice: Undefined variable: var in E:\CVS\PHP\php4\Release_TS\tests\release.php on line 20

What if that error would be:

Notice (235): Undefined variable: var in
E:\CVS\PHP\php4\Release_TS\tests\release.php on line 20

etc ...


1. "Underfined Variable" is translated to ohter languages. In this
example it is just a "simple english", but there are other, more complex

2. 235 is the error code. One can type it in google: "Notice (235)" and
get lots of info. Still possible even now, by typing error message
instead. What i love about Oracle is its error code format: "ORA-25688"
- you type it anywhere and get find tons of solutions instantly.
Then why strip the module from the error code. I like that hint in the oracle
messages much.

3. Docref and FAQ links to a documentaion and FAQ pages on where
there would be descriptions of errors and relevant solutions.  Very,
very handy. It is what Marcus was doing, but, he needed to add new
functions to it, referencing by code will be more flexible as you could
edit the storage only.
I could have done without but wanted to add more flexibility (show important function
parameters and allo to use another link) and pass around TSRM parameter for speed

4. User could use and extend this error reporting techniques on his own.

These are just my thoughts of what I would see usable about it all. IMO,
the current error reporting will be someday dedesigned anyway - it does
need a redesign.

Maxim Maletsky

There were some good points to consider in these threads but i disagree
that we need a complete redesign.

As myself and even more Sascha showed i18n messages can easiliy
be added to the current system. When it is up to add error code more
work is needed without a question.

The thing i fear most about further changes is that we either need new
API functions to handle the error codes or we end up in endlessly bugs
about php not compileable because some errors need to be changed.
That is one of the reason i left the change from php_error() to new
php_error_docref() to the authors of the modules and gave them a nice
tool to aid them.


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