At 15:48 15/12/2002, Derick Rethans wrote:
I see that renaming the CGI to php-cgi might break things indeed, and
that's never a good idea. But so is changing the name of the CLI (php)
to something else. It also breaks things, not only for me, but also for
countless others using the CLI with the name 'php'. We also need to
think about these users as well. This leaves my opinion that i'm -1 on
renaming the CLI to something else, and i'm a -0 (yes this changed :) on
renaming the CGI. This leaves the (IMO) only possible solution:
integrate them back into one binary and adding some magic which triggers
CLI or CGI mode (perhaps to check for some environment variable).
This is what we used to have. Maybe we can have a 'surefire' switch that ensures PHP starts up in CLI mode, so that invoking PHP from within a CGI won't cause it to run as a CGI itself?


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