On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Shane Caraveo wrote:

> Andrei Zmievski wrote:
> > 
> > Derick and I hashed it out on IRC and we have a proposal:
> > 
> > We should keep 4.2.x behavior with some modifications. CLI and CGI
> > should always be built unless disabled, and the executables should go
> > into sapi/cli/php and sapi/cgi/php, respectively. In addition, 'install'
> > target should be modified to detect whether the user is trying to
> > install either one of these SAPIs, output a warning message regarding
> > the potential naming problem, and stop. Let the user install CLI and CGI
> > manually, basically.
> > 
> > I really hope we can come to an agreement on this.
> * On other platforms, the cgi *is* installed by 'make install' by 
> default.  To install cli something like, 'make install-cli', or 
> 'configure --install-cli=[DIR] --install-cgi=[DIR]' can be used (the 
> second option would be more usefull for installing both, using both 
> without [DIR] on one results in a configure error).  A note regarding 
> what was installed and where should be added to the output resulting 
> from an install.

+1 on that

> * Binaries are combined into a single binary in a later release.  I'd be 
> happy to do this in January.

Are you sure this is necessary? I think the above method solves 
everything AND we keep the binaries seperated for easier maintenance 
(for us).


 Derick Rethans                                 http://derickrethans.nl/ 
 PHP Magazine - PHP Magazine for Professionals       http://php-mag.net/

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