Hmm forget the first one, i just finished ZEND_CHANGES file..
(and sorry for bad english sometimes)

Stephan Seidt wrote:

I've got some suggestions for zendengine2 (hopefully not too late).
What about an identificator for destrucotrs in a class like in c++?
I mean something like this :


class Foo
    function Foo
        // Constructor

    function ~Foo
        // Destructor

And an idea about cloning of objects..
What about an operator for doing that ?

$cloned_object = %$object;

Last thing would be a possibility for overloading operators.
For example if you have two instances of a multi-dimensional
position class :

$vector1 = new Pos(12,24,42);
$vector2 = new Pos(53,23,15);

$vector1 += $vector2;

In the class definition that could look like :

class Pos
    operator +($left)
        // Error handling for equal sice of public dimensions array

        foreach($left->dimensions as $id => $value)
            $this->dimensions[$id] += $value;

Where there already discussions about these things?
I think that would make the sourcecode shorter,
more understandable and also looking nicer ;)

I now that the first two suggestions are just taken
out of another programming language called c++,
but I think that these are usefull concepts.


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