> Don't you have any FreeBSD kernel hackers in Y!?  You could probably
> convince/bully one of them to fix it, that's what we always do with ours
> here ;-)

Turns out that one of the problems is that the standard 0x80 way of doing 
a syscall is rather slow on the P4 chip.  P3 and Athlon chips are much 
faster.  As of Linux kernel 2.5.57 or so they are now using sysenter which 
is much quicker, but FreeBSD is still using 0x80 on the P4.  This article 
has some interesting info on the subject:


In the end it looks like I am simply going to turn off realpath() 
completely in virtual_file_ex() which means of course that if 
include_once/require_once is used to access the same file through two 
different paths due to a symlink, things will break.  And you can symlink 
your way out of an open_basedir restriction.  I'll happily trade those 
things for the extra 40-50 req/sec this is likely to give me.


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