At 21:12 12.03.2003, Shane Caraveo wrote:
An interface should not implement an interface, only classes should implement interfaces. 'implement' infers that actual executable code is provided that implements an interface. Again, I haven't followed the interface stuff, and sorry for writting without reading the background, but I'm working off the assumption that interfaces are kind of like IDL.

We do not force classes to directly implement (supply code) for an interface method (and i do like that (now)).

interface extends interface
class extends class implements interface

not ok:
interfaces implements interface
class extends interface

I would favor this: interface [ implements interface+ ] class [ extends class ] [ implements interface+ ]

or less:
interface [ extends interface+ ]
class [ extends class ] [ implements interface+ ]

I like the former more because it separates classes to extends and interfaces to implements
and does not suggest MI. Howeve the latter has some more kind of logic since an interface
"extends" other interfaces when they are inherited. (Maybe i'll change my mind after sleeping it

i'm sure you know to write it correctly with the missing ',' :-))


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